
Computing Subject Leader: Mrs J Abel

Computing is an integral part of everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures.  Sedleys will provide our children with the skills, creativity and enthusiasm to live and thrive in a world increasingly dependent on computing.


The Computing Curriculum 2014 aims to ensure that all pupils can understand and apply the most important principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.  In other words, it gives children the necessary skills to break down a problem, predict what will happen and use logic to find a solution through practical experience.

We aim to develop pupils’ computing skills, knowledge, understanding and capability through taught computing lessons and to provide opportunities for pupils to apply and consolidate their capability across all curriculum contexts as well as to provide an environment where access to computing resources is natural and commonplace.


Each child will be able to use the Internet in a safe and respectful way.  They will understand the necessary precautions to take, to stay safe and know where to seek help.  No child will feel threatened or unsafe whilst using the Internet at school or at home. Children will also utilise the Internet efficiently to enhance their learning of all subjects. The school will provide a rich bank of curriculum-based resources for children and parents to access at home.

We will endeavour to keep pace with educational developments in computing and have a commitment to teachers having the necessary tools to do their jobs effectively. We will continue to ensure we have access to the most effective and emerging technologies.


All members of the school community will contribute to the school’s online presence. Our school website will showcase the excellent work being carried out by our children.

Computing in Each Stage

The Early Years focuses on the learning and development of children from birth to age five, and there are many opportunities for young children to use technology to solve problems and produce creative outcomes. In particular, many areas of the framework provide opportunities for pupils to develop their ability to use computational thinking effectively.  Children are exposed to a variety of different technology in Early Years and this gives them a solid basis for further development as they move into Key Stage One.

In Key Stage One children continue to develop their understanding of safe online behaviour, along with using different software to learn about programming, digital painting and writing, digital photography and correct use of a mouse and keyboard.

Children develop their computing skills through the use of software that focuses on programming and coding, data logging and data bases and video production.  There is the opportunity to work on a variety of areas within the computing curriculum in discrete lessons, as well as applying their knowledge in other subjects.  Pupils are taught a range of subject specific vocabulary and are supported where appropriate.

Computing Progression

Computing - Two Year Rolling Programme


Computing Knowledge Categories and Vocabulary Progression


SEND Information

Learning is adapted where necessary to support SEND/EAL pupils and to challenge more able pupils.

Computing Extra Resources