Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Modern Foreign Language Subject Leader: Mrs J Horton and Miss F Hall

At Sedley’s, we teach modern foreign languages to support the understanding of a multi-cultural world. Spanish is the 4th most widely spoken language across the globe, this gives our pupils the ability to learn the basics of an additional language.


We aim to develop children’s confidence and competence in speaking and understanding Spanish.  Children in Key Stage Two access discrete teaching of Spanish every week, covering a range of topics including greetings, in the home, the classroom and families.

children looking at a whiteboard with a french song on display during a french lesson at sedleys primary



Spanish is taught throughout Key Stage 2, while younger pupils are exposed to short activities and vocabulary in smaller amounts. The teaching of Spanish is carried out through songs, games and interactive activities.


Pupils enjoy Spanish lessons and show great enthusiasm for learning the language and learning about Spanish culture.  Learning another language gives the children a broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and languages along with the culture and languages of others.

Modern Foreign Language in Each Stage

Throughout lower Key Stage Two, pupils will begin to learn a range of knowledge including Greetings, Classroom Objects, Colours and Numbers.


Throughout Year 5 and 6 Pupils will expand on their Language knowledge, reflecting on previously learned topics, as well as expanding their knowledge to include words and phrases related to the weather, hobbies and sports, and expressing opinions.

Modern Foreign Language Progression

MFL Two Year Rolling Programme


SEND Information

We aspire to ensure that SEND and disadvantaged children are given the necessary support in class to fully access the learning of Spanish and embrace the culture in Spanish-speaking countries.

Modern Foreign Language Extra Resources

Further French Help