EYFS Acorns Class

Class Information

Class Teacher: Miss N Wade

Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs A Jones

To view our EYFS Statement, please visit our curriculum page here.

Welcome to Acorns Class in EYFS

In Acorns Class, the children develop a love for learning through child-initiated, group work and one-to-one activities. We promote a growth mindset in Acorns Class where the children develop the opportunities to grow; they understand that they can improve their abilities by pushing themselves to not give up.  The children encourage each other to try their best and understand that it’s ok if they can’t do it… yet.

Our PE days will be Tuesday and Friday, please ensure your child wears their PE kit into school on this day and we ask that all clothing could be named, thank you.

We look forward to welcoming you into Acorns Class!

Terms/Topic Information

Curriculum planning here at Sedley’s follows a thematic approach, with topics at the heart of each term of learning. We have a programme mapped out for the year in which we make meaningful links so that learning opportunities are maximised.  Teaching staff have developed the themes for our children to explore, ensuring coverage of the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.  These plans, however, are fluid and are developed, revised and changed according to the needs and interests of the children.

More Information about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.

TermTopicKnowledge MatNewsletter
1All About MeAll About MeNewsletter 1
2CelebrationsCelebrationsNewsletter 2
3All Creatures Great and SmallAll Creatures Great and SmallNewsletter 3
4Once Upon a Time
5Are We There Yet?

Home Learning

Term One and Two
Term Three

For further ideas to support learning at home, please see the resources below in accordance with the topic of that specific term.

Acorns Class Photo Gallery 

Shorne Woods

Carnival Time

Church Visit

Useful Parent Resources for EYFS

For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.