Year 3/4 – Saplings Class

Class Information

Year 3/4 Class Teachers: Mrs J Abel

Year 3/4 Class Teaching Assistant:  Mrs E Rogers

Welcome to Saplings Class (Years 3 and 4)

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit and has their water bottle. We also have swimming on a Wednesday afternoon.  Please ensure that your child has there swimming kit with them.

Lastly, we ensure to follow the national curriculum for the primary curriculum in England for programmes of study and attainment targets for KS2.

We look forward to welcoming you into Saplings Class!

Terms/Topic Information

Curriculum planning here at Sedley’s follows a thematic approach, with topics at the heart of each term of learning. We have a programme mapped out for the year in which we make meaningful links so that learning opportunities are maximised.  Teaching staff have developed the themes for our children to explore, ensuring coverage of the National Curriculum Programmes of Study.  These plans, however, are fluid and are developed, revised and changed according to the needs and interests of the children.

More Infomation about the subjects can be found on our curriculum pages.

TermTopicKnowledge Mat Newsletter
1Stone Age to Iron AgeStone Age to the Iron AgeNewsletter 1
2The UKThe United KingdomNewsletter 2
3Black History - WindrushBlack History Knowledge OrganiserNewsletter 3
4The Local Area
5Ancient Greeks
6Comparing the UK with Greece

Classroom Learning

Home Learning

Each term, pupils will be given the opportunity to enhance their learning through extra research regarding their topic. Homework can be accessed via Google Classroom.  Please see your child’s class teacher should you need support with this.


Useful Parent Resources at Year 3/4

For further useful resources, please visit each curriculum page.