Finance and Funding

Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium funding was launched by the Government in April 2011 in order to raise the attainment of pupils that may be vulnerable to underachievement, and close the gap between them and their peers.  The funding is now allocated to children who are looked after by the local authority, those who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last six years and for those children whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. 

The money is allocated to initiatives to ensure pupils reach their full potential, both academically and socially.

As a school, we decide how the Pupil Premium is allocated and we are accountable for the use of the funds.  We have a responsibility to report on the progress of children receiving Pupil Premium and demonstrate how we are using the grant to have a positive impact. 


We aim to provide opportunities for disadvantaged pupils to make the progress needed to reach their potential.  Our disadvantaged pupils will be provided with targeted support to ensure they reach the level of attainment required and that they do so through meaningful, purposeful learning experiences.  Attendance of our disadvantaged pupils will be developed through positive behaviour strategies and engagement with parents.

Quality First Teaching is key to helping our disadvantaged pupils succeed, along with targeted intervention that is precisely aimed at bridging gaps.

The plan focuses on the professional development of key staff so that pupils are in receipt of high-quality daily teaching.

Support staff are effectively used to provide intervention either as a stand-alone process or as a daily catch-up.


Pupil Premium Strategy and Evidence (2023-2026)
Pupil Premium Strategy and Evidence (2022-2023)
Pupil Premium Strategy and Evidence (2021-2022)
Pupil Premium Strategy and Evidence (2020-2021)

Sports Premium Funding

The Government has provides substantial funding to promote and develop primary school sports. It is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and goes directly to primary schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children in both the short term and long term.


Sports Premium funding is also used to support swimming. At Sedley’s CofE Primary School, we use our partner Trust school, Sutton-at-Hone to complete our National Curriculum requirements for Swimming and Water Safety. 

sutton at hone swimming pool


  • To provide staff with targeted professional development, mentoring, training and resources.
  • To develop active, positive playtimes and lunchtimes for our children including training for adults and Play Leaders to support this and new equipment.
  • To embed physical activity into the school day and encourage active lifestyles – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.
  • To develop a love of sport and physical activity by providing a broad range of sports and activities.
  • To encourage children to develop into healthy adults.
  • To engage pupils in a leadership role that supports sport and physical activity across the school.
  • To engage the non-engaged through targeted opportunities, such as the Daily Mile and after-school clubs.
  • To provide opportunities for all children to participate in competitive sports.​


  • Increased participation in PE and Sports, including competitions
  • Increased levels of fitness.
  • Increased levels of physical activity at playtimes.
  • Improved levels of staff knowledge and improved delivery of PE lessons


Sports Premium Strategy and Evidence (2023-2024)
Sports Premium Strategy and Evidence (2022-2023)
Sports Premium Strategy and Evidence (2021-2022)


Click here to go to the Aletheia Trust Finance page where you will find:

  • Executive Pay
  • Financial Statement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report