Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED & SIAMS inspections.

To see our current Key Stage Results, please visit the Key Stage Results page.


“Leaders encourage pupils to show positive attitudes towards their work and take opportunities to celebrate the progress that pupils are making.” – OFSTED 2023

Sedley’s was pleased to receive a ‘GOOD’ rating from OFSTED after an inspection that took place in July 2023. 

The outcome highlights the quality of Sedley’s CofE Primary School’s offering: 

  • Pupils are highly motivated and enjoy talking about their learning.
  • The learning environment here has been thoughtfully designed to encourage children to engage in different activities.
  • Teachers work expertly with leaders, parents and carers to identify pupils who may have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND).
  • Pupils are taught how to be kind and polite and they consistently demonstrate these characteristics.

View our report on OFSTED here

horton kirby primary cofe gets awarded good by ofsted in 2020



“Christian leadership is strong at Sedley’s school”. – July 2024

Sedley’s C of E Primary had its School Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools in July ’24.
The report highlighted the many strengths of its provision, including:
  • The school vision underpins loving and trusting relationships across the school community. Pupils and staff are welcomed and nurtured.
  • A strong and supportive partnership with other schools within the trust enables the school to make effective strategic plans. This allows pupils and staff to thrive.
  • The Christian vision of ‘love to learn and learn to love’ inspires and enables pupils to be the best that they can be. In this way, they prepare for the next stage of their education.
  • Collective worship provides a time to bond the school around the vision and values. Times of stillness and reflection allow pupils and staff to know that they are unique, special and loved.
  • Collaborative working in religious education (RE) enables pupils to explore a range of religions and worldviews. They confidently express their own ideas in discussion.
The leadership team, the governing body, and the trust are delighted with the positive outcome, which is a testament to how hard the school community has worked to help Sedley continue to improve.
The Inspection has also indicated some areas to develop that will further enhance our aspiration to live up to our foundation as a Church School.

View our report on SIAMS here

SIAMS Report


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